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The Kidney Disease Solution

When to See a Healthcare Provider for Kidney Problems

20 March, 2023

One of the main differences between AKI and CKD is the timing and severity of symptoms. With AKI, the symptoms will develop rapidly and are usually pronounced. With CKD, the disease is often asymptomatic and, even when signs appear, they are frequently non-specific and easily mistaken for other conditions.

What You will Learn With The Kidney Disease Solution

3 January, 2023

Kidney failure is no doubt one of the most painful experiences considering that a lot of functions in your body are often affected as a result. In addition, this is one disease that leads to a good number of deaths around the world every year. What’s even more depressing is that a majority of sufferers and their families end up losing huge amounts of resources as they seek ways to combat this disease.

What’s Included In The Kidney Disease Solution Program?

9 October, 2022

The Kidney Disease Solution is an “all in one step-by-step program that provides you with everything you need to reverse your kidney disease, improve kidney function and protect your kidneys from further damage so you may avoid dialysis and transplant”. It includes a collection of e-books and cookbooks that provide specific instructions on assessing your condition, interpreting your test results, and creating a structured treatment and diet plan that is exclusively suited to your condition.

What is the Kidney Disease Solution?

2 August, 2022

THE KIDNEY DISEASE SOLUTION aims to provide steps to be able to make such dysfunctions go away

THE KIDNEY DISEASE SOLUTION is a book on natural ways to treat kidney diseases and live a healthy and normal life

10 July, 2022

THE KIDNEY DISEASE SOLUTION aims to provide steps to be able to make such dysfunctions go away.

Kidney Disease Solution is a step-by-step guide to healthy lifestyle changes that restore kidney function and recover your body’s natural energy and vitality

23 June, 2022

I was dialyzing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I didn’t want a kidney transplant because I spoke to a lot of patients who have had it and they say you have to take over 120 tablets per week for the first 2 years and you have to take 3 tablets per day after that for the rest of your life.

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