What You Will Find Inside Heartburn No More?
Who Is The Author Behind Heartburn No More?
Looking at the author is a good place to begin any review.
A nutritionist with years of experience in the matter of healthy eating and digestive issues, Jeff Martin created Heartburn No More. Having conducted years of research and analysis about alternative healing remedies, this guide has offered relief to patients far and wide with the condition.
Striving to find an alternative cure to the symptoms he was experiencing, Jeff dedicated years to research, and then six months to writing up everything he found.
What Is Heartburn?
Starting as a pain in the chest, heartburn is triggered by eating foods that are high in acid. Associated problems include poor digestion and difficulty swallowing, as well as a range of other issues within the colon and stomach. As such it is one of the most uncomfortable conditions to live with, as well as the most common. A blinkered approach to both food and diet is the main reason behind many disorders and diseases suffered in the modern day, to which heartburn is not an exception.
The problem with modern medicine
Much of modern medicine prescribes pills and creams which deal with providing a band aid over the symptoms, but fail to get to the root of the issue. As such, we are eating food that makes us sick, and then taking tablets which attack our systems.
Heartburn No More takes a long forgotten approach to treating the cause of the problems, in order to alleviate symptoms. As such, this can be adhered to as a preventative approach, prior to even experiencing the issue.
Why is it so popular?
We categorize the success of this program into three main ideas. Primarily, it is cheap and effective; it works, and it costs a hell of a lot less than anything the doctor would prescribe you. US citizens habitually spend billions of dollars annually on over the counter tablets, gels and solutions which only achieve one thing: a rich pharmaceutical industry.
Secondly, its popularity is due to its ease of use and accessibility. Jeff Martin has used an informal tone, whilst explaining some interesting concepts, so the language is accessible. Also because the product is portable, it means that anyone can gain relief from it anywhere, using a range of devices.
Finally this program is trusted because it is backed by scientific principles. Years of dedicated study has created a solution to a problem experienced by many. Many testimonials elucidate how the structure has helped sufferers the world over to contest their acid indigestion problems and heartburn, and have a new lease of life.
What You Will Find Inside “Heartburn No More”?
Here are some of the things you are going to learn when purchasing the Heartburn No More guide:
1. The ten worst foods that you must avoid, even if you don’t suffer from heartburn.
2. 100% natural anti-candida, anti-infection, and anti-inflammation supplement you should take on a regular basis.
3. A simple test to see how severe your heartburn problem is.
4. Information about several anti-acid reflux vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.
5. Two simple yet powerful strategies that can make an effect on your body and help him start healing itself.
6. A simple 7-day routine to eliminate parasites and toxins from your internal system.
7. 3 types of herbs you should know about that will empower your body’s self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities.
8. Tips about the 10 best anti-acid reflux foods you should eat all the time.
9. And of course – all you should know about the 5 step multi-dimensional Heartburn No more treatment system…
It is also important to say that the Heartburn No more guide includes useful explanations and solutions, which will not only help you get rid of your heartburn problem, but will also teach you important things about your diet and health.
Few of these are:
• Important things you should know about prebiotics and probiotics when it comes to heartburn, including why some probiotics work better than the others.
• Detailed explanation on why all of these special diets or detox programs will not be able to eliminate your heartburn.
• Description of the important role of acid-alkaline balance and how you can optimize your delicate internal PH.
• All you should know about the link between insomnia, stress, and heartburn.
• Concrete answer of why exactly you have heartburn, and much more…
How Does It Work?
With its dedicated attention to which foods harm and which heal heartburn, the program educates you with a scientific analysis of each of the vitamins present within foods. Further Jeff explains the foods that contain higher quantities of vitamins. Evaluating vitamins and minerals and their effects on the body allows you to decide which foods will give you an energy boost, which contain collagen to give skin elasticity, which contain the most antioxidants? By taking in this knowledge you can build a program to benefit your body, giving you a healthy glow, more energy and renewed vigour.
What Does The eBook Contain?
Starting off with an overall explanation of the condition, the Heartburn No More eBook explains how a 2 day reflux detox will help prepare you for your heartburn free life. Vital to understanding its ethos, the protocol discusses the benefits of alternative medicine, instead of going to Big Pharma, in-line with the guidance outlined above.
Next up there is the vital diet and nutrition section, which offers a range of benefits. It covers lowering fat and increasing fiber in the diet, and the impact on overall health. Importantly it then tackles explaining your body’s capacity to absorb different sugars such as glucose, fructose and lactose, and how enzymes in food help or hinder this process.
Crucially, this stage also identifies gas forming foods; explaining how they affect digestion. Underpinning the methodology in this plan, Jeff empowers you to maintain a healthy balance of acid and alkaline within the diet. Furthermore, this section develops classification of toxic foods to avoid.
Stage three of the Heartburn No More program focuses on evaluating supplements commonly found in health food stores or online. Many of these are purported to reduce reflux, and Jeff helps to identify which work and which are a waste of time. That said, Jeff is not a fan of chemical solutions, which he claims only exacerbate heartburn issues.
In step four, you will uncover the secrets of effective detoxification; learning how implementing this stage can relieve and reverse heartburn. Martin advocates the holistic approach: including looking after the body when in fast mode.
In-line with this holistic focus, step five is dedicated to the treatment of candida: a yeast infection present in many people suffering from heartburn.
Additional bonuses include complimentary therapies which can aid detox by supporting a restful and relaxing stage.
Heartburn No More explains the five main groups of people who are most at risk from suffering heartburn and acid reflux, as well as related gastrointestinal problems. This helps gain an insight into how and why the condition strikes.